Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gay???....No way!!!

While going to one of my work-places….I pass by this shop which is manned and probably owned by this really hot and cute looking guy…..

This guy is very very attractive and we always exchange glances…..but every time I do think without fail…*Gay???....No way!!!*…..

And why is that??? He belongs to this group of Gujarati (an Indian community) shopkeepers (who also happen to be ultra-conservative)……and thinking that some man from this group actually will go ahead and fuck guys is kinda unimaginable to me…..

And then I got thinking there are other groups as well where men appear to be ALWAYS STRAIGHT….like for instance…I really cannot imagine a *Gay Sardar* (Sardar : Men from Sikh community)…it’s just that they are so manly and macho and almost always married, family men with kids……

And so also…married men taking care of their kids…..they seem to be so very happy in their house-hold life – wife and children - that an alternative sexuality seems to be a distant or impossible possibility…..

But that is my personal opinion and it may sound prejudiced to some and I will receive a lot of flak for it….I am ready for it ‘coz that’s what I genuinely think……

And am I guilty for stereotyping gay men???......

I do know it for a fact that gay men come in all shapes and sizes and are found in any and every community, caste and nationality….but it is the image of any particular person or the place where he lives/ works that makes the difference for me….

Probably that is why I am still single!!!


Blogger jerry_mumbai said...

yeah....i know.....but kinda makes them or even me for that matter...unapproachable....and may be even closeted!!!

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what- I was in Gujarat and there was no lack of gays there. Conservative people are more passionate about sex, gay or otherwise.

11:42 AM  

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